3rd MDP in 2018 at Institute of Engineering & Management (IEM) Management House – ‘The Achiever’ s Mindset – Peak Performance & Personal Productivity’. On 12th May 2018 speakers were – Mr. Tapandhar Mazumdar, CXO Coach, Licensee Leadership Management International Inc. Texas, USA, Mr. Kaushik Bhattacharya, Strategy Consultant and Sales Coach, Ex- country Head, Alterian … Continued
Students of EE dept.(4th year), working in Innovation lab of Institute of Engineering & Management (IEM) have made a project named remote controlled firefighting robot under the guidance of Prof. Prabir Das. In chemical industries, garment factories or in any building where there is an incident of fire breakout with survivors trapped inside, remote controlled firefighting robot can be used … Continued
Abir Suvra Sarkar is the winner, Samu Paul is the 1st Runner up and Mir Ahmad Reja is the 2nd Runner up for the IEM Chess League 2018 which was held at Institute of Engineering & Management (IEM) on 5th May 2018.
*ASME FUTURE ME PHOTO CONTEST* was organised by *ASME FUTURE ME*. It was an international photo contest.The procedure to take part in this competition was that the participants had to send a photo which is related to the theme of the photo contest “Engineering is Beautiful”. Dibyendu Mondal (3rd year ME) and Md. Zaman Khan … Continued
Great advocacy of Institute of Engineering & Management (IEM) at pan India level through aQuest 18 performance news as published by ISHRAE in volume 21, March 2018 journal. Approximately 14000 members circulation in the form of hardcopy and 10,000 student members online access to this journal. Two teams from IEM was in final round and … Continued
Institute of Engineering & Management (IEM), Kolkata won the BBIT Cricket Championship by defeating GNIT in the Final.
ISHRAE IEM STUDENT CHAPTER in association with Voltas Ltd. organised two Technical Lectures on 23rd April, 2018 which witnessed a good number of participation of students. “Technical Session 1” was conducted by Mr. Sujoy Dutt from Voltas Ltd. who is a CWC member & membership chair of ISHRAE Kolkata. The session covered basics of “Psychrometry”. … Continued
ISHRAE IEM Student Chapter, after its tremendous efforts was recognized and awarded as the *BEST PERFORMING STUDENTS CHAPTER FOR THE SOCIETY YEAR 2017-18*, by the National President of ISHRAE, Mr. C. Subramaniam, on the eve of CWC Installation Ceremony of ISHRAE Kolkata. Prof.Gunjan Kumar, Faculty Advisor of ISHRAE IEM Student Chapter, along with former President, … Continued
Institute of Engineering & Management is organizing an international coding contest IEMCO (IEM Coding Olympiad) on 21st April, 2018 on CodeChef platform. This is the 5th time this event is going to be organized. Contest Details: Date: 21-Apr-2018 Time: 20:00 hrs to 23:00 hrs IST Prizes worth total 50,000 INR. This is a team event. … Continued
Glimpses of eHaCON 2018 which was held on 6th & 7th April 2018 at Institute of Engineering & Management (IEM) Gurukul Campus. For more details visit website.
ISHRAE and Institute of Engineering & Management (IEM) 1st MoU for real life skill learning in HVAC field with ISHRAE product showcase is under execution. With partial facilities it is operational now with commitment to add more products and infrastructure in future with support of all concern. This initiative is unique and IEM in collaboration … Continued
Demonstration of innovative security project by Rohan Dutta, BCA student of Institute of Engineering & Management (IEM) at Bengal Naval Unit NCC (INDIAN NAVY) The Project Name is GYAANI. It is an automated Robot that performs multi tasks, speech recognition through data mining, automated movement with obstacle detection, security camera surveillance with head tracking, … Continued
7 teams each having two members from B.tech 1st year of Institute of Engineering & Management (IEM) participated in a mathematics quiz and puzzle solving competition ‘Infinity 2018’ organized by Narendrapur Ramkrishna Mission Residential college. Among them one team consisting of Souvik Dutta and Soumik Nandi from 1st year Section-E became runner-up after the final … Continued
Golden society year (2017-18) of ISHRAE IEM student chapter ends with 16 job offer in big HVAC brand, aQuest hat-trick, one lakh project funding through ISPG, 3 national award with cash prize of 1.25 lakh, 8 zonal & regional award, 1st MOU for department, 1st skill workshop for department, 14 technical talk, 2 project site … Continued
Sayudh Ghosh a 4th year Mechanical engineering student of Institute of Engineering & Management (IEM) has got admission to MS in Mechanical engineering with major in materials science (Biomaterials) at Colorado State University with full tuition fee waiver along with a monthly stipend of 1800 dollars. He would be researching on materials used to artificially … Continued
Department of Information Technology, Institute of Engineering and Management in association with IEEE Communication Society(ComSoc), IEEE Computational Intelligence Society(CIS) along with Computer Society of India(CSI) is proud to present the inaugural edition of eHacon, sponsored by Springer, ACM, Indian School of Ethical Hacking(ISOEH), HDFC Bank and State Bank of India. eHacon 2018 is an international … Continued
Prof. P. K. Banerji presented Case Study on Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Marketspace at 3rd IEM Convention, 2018 at Bangkok on 21st March 2018.
IEM-UEM group will be organizing ‘3D Printing Olympiad and International Symposium-2018’ on 21st April 2018. Revised last date of Registration is 5th April 2018 and last date of .ppt file submission & .stl file submission is 7th April 2018. Register here : www.3dpolympiad.com
The Motorsports Club (SAE Collegiate Club) of Jadavpur University and Team KART of IIT Kharagpur jointly organised the WORKSHOP ON AUTOMOTIVE ENGINEERING on the 23rd of March, 2018. A group of SAE IEM Collegiate Club Member attended the same. The topics discussed included — Design of chasis, Types of chasis, Design of suspension, Types of … Continued
The Institute of Engineering & Management (IEM) has been awarded in the World Education Summit and Awards 2018 by the Worldwide Achievers.
IEM group again bagged the top position in the best private B Schools in Kolkata and also ranked 5th among East Zone ranked by OUTLOOK.
Outlook, 2024
Outlook, 2024
Outlook, 2024
– NEN (National Entrepreneurship Network) E-Week, 2011-2016
– “Just Careers” Magazine, 2011
– The Telegraph, 2009