The biggest techno-management fest IEM Innovacion 2019 in Kolkata is knocking at your door. Book your dates and register now. Date- 23rd to 25th January, 2019 Venue- IEM Management House
IEM Alumni Association cordially invites you and your family to “HOMECOMING” – Annual Alumni Meet 2018″ being organised on 21st December 2018, at our Institute 6:00 pm onward. Venue:- IEM Engineering (Gurukul) Campus, Y- 12 Sector -V , Saltlake Electronics Complex, Kolkata – 700091. You are requested to fill up the registration form attached below … Continued
The prestigious Dewang Mehta National Education award 2018 conferred to Institute of Engineering & Management (IEM) and University of Engineering & Management (UEM) for “Outstanding Engineering Institute” and “Outstanding Management Institute” categories respectively at Taj lands end,Mumbai.
‘Spectrum – 2019’ – 2nd International Students’ Conference on ‘Innovations in Science and Technology’- will be organized by Institute of Engineering & Management (IEM) in collaboration with The Institution of Engineers(India) from 7th – 9th March, 2019 at Management House, IEM, Kolkata, India. The event will comprise of keynote lectures on various topics by eminent … Continued
GLOBAL POSTER COMPETITION at REFCOLD Out of total 560 entries, Second prize won by Institute of Engineering & Management (IEM), Kolkata. Team with project name- Fructoripe- small scale ripening chamber Team member :- Harsh Shah Shailendra Panda
IEEE IEMCON International Conference is being organized by the Institute of Engineering & Management (IEM) and the University of Engineering & Management (UEM) at University of British Columbia (UBC), Vancouver, Canada in association with IEEE Vancouver Section. Researchers and delegates from all across the world (71 countries) are participating in this conference and presenting their … Continued
Cyber Security Awareness programme was conducted in the department of IT of Institute of Engineering & Management (IEM), Kolkata on 9th October 2018.
ASME EFx was organized at Institute of Engineering & Management, under the ASME IEM Student Section. ASME EFx is a global event undertaken in order to launch and organize tech fests at colleges and universities to help students develop engineering and real world skills. IEM ASME EFx was held on 6.10.2018 with over 12 participating … Continued
Pratyush Das, CSE 2nd Year of Institute of Engineering & Management (IEM) was selected as the only student in the world to be awarded with the Diana hep Fellowship to work at Fermi National Accelerator Lab at USA. He had worked under the able supervision of Dr. Jim Pivarski of Princeton University, USA. He is … Continued
ISHRAE East zone HVAC product showcase and skill centre is going to present 1st live demonstration of products and brazing workshop as hands on practice to Institute of Engineering & Management (IEM) student members.
IEM-UEM welcomes International Motivational Speaker and Best Selling Author Mr. Shiv Khera & Teachers & Industry Professionals for “Inspiring Best Teacher’s Award” and “Award of Excellence” at Biswa Bangla Convention Centre, New Town, Kolkata on 25th August 2018.
On 2nd August 2018, ISHRAE IEM student chapter had organised technical talk at 2.30 pm to 5.00 pm on Basics of cold chain for its members, expected to participants in global poster competition Refcold in months of September. Talk was delivered by Mr. P.K Sen. The event was graced by Mr. Utpal biswas,GM- universal energy … Continued
IEM ACM Student Chapter invites students for DIVERSION 2K18, 1st International B. Tech/ B.E. Project Contest 2018, taking place at Institute of Engineering & Management on Sept 22, 2018. The contest is open for all engineering students pursuing undergraduate degrees with engineering colleges. All the participating teams are expected to submit the Participation Form to … Continued
Glimpses of 1st lecture meet of IEM-CSI Student Branch. Speaker was Shri Sanjay Kumar Choudhury, Joint Director, C-DAC. The topic was Natural Language Processing.
Mr. Rajat Guha, Manager, IDEA Cellular and also MBA Alumni of Institute of Engineering & Management (IEM), Kolkata had an interactive session with the first year students. The students had a detailed understanding of the present scenario of the Telecom industry.
Students-Corporate Interaction at MBA Orientation Program at Institute of Engineering & Management (IEM), Kolkata. Speaker was :- Ms. Farah S. Ahmed Accounting Manager L& T Finance Ltd. Interaction and Role play as Marked Activity Lesson on Speaking skills in class conducted by Ms. Farah S. Ahmed.
On 30th June 2018, ISHRAE Kolkata organised a Technical Talk on “HVAC System Design for Green Building” at ISHRAE Kolkata office. Student President, Secretary and treasurer of ISHRAE IEM Student Chapter attended the technical talk as free delegates. Talk was delivered by ISHRAE distinguished lecturer (DL) and President emeritus Mr. Manoj Chakraborti, who is renowned … Continued
1st International Conference on English Learning & Teaching Skills, ICELTS 2018 has been organised from 26th – 28th July 2018 at Institute of Engineering & Management (IEM) Management House.
Md. Zaman Khan and Dibyendu Mandal of Institute of Engineering & Management (IEM), were awarded as winners of ASME FUTURE ME photographic contest. Award and gifts were sent directly from ASME New York office. Gift hamper includes 25 dollar Amazon gift Boucher, Power bank, Water bottle, solar torch, pendrive etc. This was an international photographic … Continued
Rajdeep and team completed Mechanical 4th yr project through ISHRAE ISPG fund support. 1st team of 4th year mechanical to get any external fund. Hope future batch will take motivation from this and explore such option of external funding of project.
IEM group again bagged the top position in the best private B Schools in Kolkata and also ranked 5th among East Zone ranked by OUTLOOK.
Outlook, 2024
Outlook, 2024
Outlook, 2024
– NEN (National Entrepreneurship Network) E-Week, 2011-2016
– “Just Careers” Magazine, 2011
– The Telegraph, 2009