
What is the highest-paid engineering branch in India?

In today’s scenario, Engineering is one of the most sought-after professional courses. It goes without saying that engineers are an asset to the company, and they help build the nation across multiple fields of interest. That should explain the growing number of engineering colleges in India that have been training thousands of engineers yearly. But, have you ever thought o find which is the highest-paid engineering branch in India or elsewhere?

The pay scale for the engineering graduates

The engineering profession comes with multiple specialisations. That makes it challenging to find the exact engineering branch that pays high. There have been a few specialisations that have always remained in high demand.

The pay scale, in general, for engineers ranges between 4 lakhs per annum to 50 lakhs per annum. The exact scale would be based on the position that the person holds.

What is the highest-paid Engineering specialisation?

While it is of utmost importance to take up those branches you are interested in, it is equally essential to check out the ones that offer financial stability.

A few of highest paying engineering specialisations can be outlined as here below –

Computer Science

With the growth of technology and other allied aspects, Computer Science has been the most in-demand branch ever. It fetches a salary anywhere between 5 Lakhs to around One crore per annum. There are multiple specialisations involved in this branch.

The recent growth of AI and machine learning has made the concept all the more powerful and unique in its own right. In fact, AI and machine learning, along with data sciences, has become the future of engineering.

Mechanical engineering

Mechanical engineering has always been considered to be an evergreen field. The branch is involved in the manufacturing of heavy machineries that works in several manufacturing industries. The evolving automation invariably requires a good number of capable and adept engineers. This stream fetches around 4 to 20 lakhs per annum.

The branch also includes several sub specialisations, such as automobile engineering and Industrial production engineering.

Petroleum engineer

Petroleum engineering is of recent origin and involves the activities related to the petroleum products. They are in the field of extracting petroleum and other natural gases from the earth. Petroleum engineers earn around 5 lakhs per annum to 40 lakhs per annum.

There are not many students opting for petroleum engineering, and this has created an enormous demand for the specialisation. A few popular companies that keep looking for the petroleum engineers would include ONGC, HPCL, NTPC and BharatGas, to name a few.

A few other branches that have been known to pay high include

  • Big Data engineers
  • Electronic and communication engineers
  • Systems engineer and
  • Biomedical engineer

While it may not be that easy to pinpoint the exact highest paying engineering branch, the discussion above should ideally give you an idea into a few branches that have proved their essence. Just because your chosen branch is not included here, one should not get discouraged either. Ultimately, the success in any field is a result of a hard work on your part.

Find the best engineering college in Kolkata and know the computer science course details.

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